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Showing posts from September, 2010

Short ministry trip to Batam

I went to Batam last Saturday with some of the CVSOM students. This was the first time I went for a short ministry trip. It was part of the certificate course in Practical Christian Ministry offered by CVSOM, Covenant Vision School of Ministry. I went there with much anticipation and eagerness to see how our God moved among His people. This was a moment when I witnessed the work of the Holy Spirit, how it convicted the hearts of the people and lifted up their burdens, bondage, difficult moments and there were tears of joy and relief. There was a total of 4 teams and our team comprised 9 members and we were all so different in our disposition. However, it was a fun time, when we learned to bear one another in love and patience. I believed the students knew now by heart that it was not about me but about Him! The things I learned was to trust God from the preparation stage till completion by praying and committing every aspects of the trip under His gracious hand. Preparation wor...

A new beginning

The following hymn has never failed to encourage me. God’s mercies are new every morning. We are very tempted to just give up each time we failed. However, God often uses our failure to make us wiser The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases His mercies never come to an end They are new every morning New every morning. Great is Thy faithfuess, O Lord. (x2) Great is Thy faithfulness Instead of dwelling on our failures, mistakes, we can learn to bring them to Him and ask Him to give us strength and wisdom, and thus like Paul, we can boldly say: When I am weak, then am I strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10b. Just simply get up from where we fall and walk in the newness of life for God is always a God of new beginnings - His mercies are new every morning. Our Christian life is also a series of new beginnings, of falling down and getting up again. Instead of focusing on ourselves, we can refocus on Him. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. His grace is manifested and magnified i...

Are You the One?

Matthew 11: 3 “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?” The above question seemed very familiar to most Christians. When persecutions, sufferings and troubles come into our lives, we begin to question, "Why does God let this happen to me?". "Is God real, have I made a mistake believing in Him?" We have all together forgot or ignore the corresponding clear biblical teaching that the glory of knowing our Lord Jesus is intertwined with the priviledge of suffering with Him (the fellowship of His sufferings). John the Baptist was the forerunner of Christ but yet he was imprisoned. Was it God's juggement on Him? Perhaps Christ was not the Messiah because there were many false prophets in Israel and John could had recognize wrongly. Had he led the people astray? He was confused. He started to question: "Is He the One?" Similarly, when we are in severe trials, we just cannot think straight. When John had heard in prison about the works of Chr...

Are you convinced?

Do you believe that all Scripture is God-breathed? Dr Yu-Lan Zhang firmly believed that God and Jesus of the Bible are true. The following were some facts which convinced him and hopefully it will also convinced you:- 1) The Bible was written by more than 40 authors and had taken more than 1,600 years to complete. Despite the idiosyncrasies in the various authors' professions, state of mentality, birthplaces, opinions and life styles, the scriptures they wrote fitted well into one great master plan. This combination was without any contradition; even the intellectuals believed and received their blessings. If the Bible were not God-breathed and the words spoken by men who were not moved by the Holy Spirit of God, then nothing could explain this great masterplan. 2) The Bible is full of prophecies, confidently predicting the events of the future: the fall of a nation; the vicissitudes and the destruction of the Old City; the birth and the death of the Saviour; His life and wor...