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Showing posts from February, 2011


This morning, I read about the Circle of Blessing from the Book "Shepherding a Child's Heart' and this statement caught my attention:- "You must be obeyed for their (your children) sakes!" In the past, I always think that a child's obedience is just simply an issue between the parent and the child. This thinking is very wrong because it can cause us to overlook an offense without making an effort to restore our child back to God. In fact, obedience is an issue between the child and God in which the parent is God’s agent in drawing the child back within the circle of blessing. In Ephesians 6:1-3 God has drawn a circle of great blessing. Children are to live within the circle of submission to parental authority. Submission to parents means HONORING and OBEYING. Within that circle things will go well and they will enjoy long lives. When our children disobey, they move outside the circle of blessing which is a place of danger, it will not go well w...

Teaching valuable lessons to our children

Below is a touching story from the book "Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripps. Howard's son suffered brain damage during infancy. Howard was unsure how much his son could understand. Despite his son's retarded brain development, he talked to him about the ways of God. At 3 1/2, the boy still could not speak. The parents continued to talk to him of God, pray with him, and sought to shepherd him bibically. One day, the lad required correction and discipline. Howard was perplexed as he tried to explain, not knowing how much his son could grasp. As he grew more frustrated with the communication process, his son intervened. He spoke! His first words were, "Pray, Daddy!" This young child, compromised by brain damage, had been understanding valuable lessons all along. He knew of his father's faith in God. He knew that one turns to God when troubled. He knew that God could help his daddy communicate. -- I am very impressed by Howard's fa...