I find the following parable of the centipede very interesting. One day, as a centipede was about to walk, it examined its legs to consider which one should move first. Should the left leg move first or the right one? How about the eighth leg, or the tenth? The centipede was stuck there trying to make a decision. The problem of the mind became a problem of the practice. Eventually, the sun came up. Without thinking, the centipede ran out to see the sunrise without considering which leg should move first. It forgot about how to walk and simply walked. When the problem of the mind was gone, the problem of the practice also disappeared. (Extracted from the Testimonies - Watchman Nee's Testimony & Others' Testimonies) Reflection: Sometimes, we faced many problems in life and some problems can be overwhelming and we think of many solutions and try to figure out which is the best way to solve the problem. However, just like the parable of the centipede, we can simply commit ours...