This is a story of Harold Everett Hughes, governor of Iowa who had been a drunk, a liar and a cheat in his earlier days. Hitting rock bottom, he decided in his shame and despair to commit suicide. However, before trying to kill himself, he felt he had to tell God why. As he sobbed in distress, something miraculous happened. “Like a stricken child lost in the storm, he had suddenly stumbled into the warm arms of His heavenly Father. And as he experienced God’s forgiving grace, he promised “Whatever You ask…I will do it.” That was the beginning of a new life for Harold Huges, a life really worth living. It remained a memorable turning point throughout the remainder of his life, and which led him to deep spiritual commitments. He began to study the Bible diligently, develop his prayer life, and even considered a career in the ministry. Are you in the same plight as Harold Hughes? Are you struggling through life, feeling defeated and broken that no one can help. Come to God just a...