This brother shared a testimony on how he came to know Jesus. His testimony is divided into 3 parts: before and how he became a Christian and what happen to his life after he became a Christian.
Part 1 – Before He became a Christian
He shared a bible verse to describe his condition : Eph 5:8a For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Before he became a Christian, as what the Bible say, he was in darkness. What does Dark-ness mean? He used the word "D-A-R-K" to describe.
D stands for "darkness". Separation from God who is the true light. It is like a blind man groping in the dark, having no idea who God is and how He is like. When his mother asked him to go to a temple, he just went. He prayed to the statue but there is no personal relationship with him.
A stands for "Aimless". Life is without direction. He just followed the life cycle like everyone. He hoped after his study, to go to work, marry, have children and then one day he would die. But what happened after death really puzzled him.
R stands for "restless". Life is full of anxiety, always doing but never satisfied. When he felt empty within, he will go to watch movies or play football but the emptiness still remain.
K stands for "kiasu" a Hokkien word that literally means 'fear of losing' 怕输 & kiasi" a Hokkien phrase, literally means afraid of death 驚死. He would also try to grasp what they had and also make sure he didn't lag behind others. Eg in poly, he would photocopy a lot of notes but he ended up not reading them. Being kiasi, he would take extreme means to minimize risk.
Part 2-How he became a Christian
But thank God, he was exposed to Christianity in Poly. He decided to find out more about this God that they preached. Initially he made fun of it, a Chinese believing a foreign God – sound ridiculous! However, he soon realized he was wrong, a student shared with him John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Then he took up his courage to accept Jesus and am now a child of God. So he accepted Jesus when he was 17 years of age.
Part 3 – Changes after he accepted Christ
After he accepted the Lord, there was a gradual change in his life. Jesus is the light that shine away the darkness in him. And to describe the change in his life, he used the word "L-I-G-H-T".
1)L- Love others. Life was no longer centred around or about him alone. He was brought into a big family to love others because Jesus is love.
2)I- Imitate. Jesus became his model and He is the only way to God and following Him he realised that he would never go wrong. In the past, he had many models, one of them was Bruce Lee. He learnt to imitate him and bought a sand bag to practise Kung Fu at home. However, Bruce Lee was not a perfect model because he was also a sinner and he was not eternal and he died at a young age
3)G- get to know others. This new life seeks to know others, a desire to meet up with Christians to know more about God.
4)H – hospitality. This new life also seeks to show kindness to others.
5)T-tell others about Jesus. Because Jesus is so real to him, he loved to tell others about Him. He remembered that when he was looking for a job after he finished his national service, he couldn’t get a job for a long time. He started to pray and sought God’s help. He managed to get a job within a short period. Praise God!
Part 1 – Before He became a Christian
He shared a bible verse to describe his condition : Eph 5:8a For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Before he became a Christian, as what the Bible say, he was in darkness. What does Dark-ness mean? He used the word "D-A-R-K" to describe.
D stands for "darkness". Separation from God who is the true light. It is like a blind man groping in the dark, having no idea who God is and how He is like. When his mother asked him to go to a temple, he just went. He prayed to the statue but there is no personal relationship with him.
A stands for "Aimless". Life is without direction. He just followed the life cycle like everyone. He hoped after his study, to go to work, marry, have children and then one day he would die. But what happened after death really puzzled him.
R stands for "restless". Life is full of anxiety, always doing but never satisfied. When he felt empty within, he will go to watch movies or play football but the emptiness still remain.
K stands for "kiasu" a Hokkien word that literally means 'fear of losing' 怕输 & kiasi" a Hokkien phrase, literally means afraid of death 驚死. He would also try to grasp what they had and also make sure he didn't lag behind others. Eg in poly, he would photocopy a lot of notes but he ended up not reading them. Being kiasi, he would take extreme means to minimize risk.
Part 2-How he became a Christian
But thank God, he was exposed to Christianity in Poly. He decided to find out more about this God that they preached. Initially he made fun of it, a Chinese believing a foreign God – sound ridiculous! However, he soon realized he was wrong, a student shared with him John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Then he took up his courage to accept Jesus and am now a child of God. So he accepted Jesus when he was 17 years of age.
Part 3 – Changes after he accepted Christ
After he accepted the Lord, there was a gradual change in his life. Jesus is the light that shine away the darkness in him. And to describe the change in his life, he used the word "L-I-G-H-T".
1)L- Love others. Life was no longer centred around or about him alone. He was brought into a big family to love others because Jesus is love.
2)I- Imitate. Jesus became his model and He is the only way to God and following Him he realised that he would never go wrong. In the past, he had many models, one of them was Bruce Lee. He learnt to imitate him and bought a sand bag to practise Kung Fu at home. However, Bruce Lee was not a perfect model because he was also a sinner and he was not eternal and he died at a young age
3)G- get to know others. This new life seeks to know others, a desire to meet up with Christians to know more about God.
4)H – hospitality. This new life also seeks to show kindness to others.
5)T-tell others about Jesus. Because Jesus is so real to him, he loved to tell others about Him. He remembered that when he was looking for a job after he finished his national service, he couldn’t get a job for a long time. He started to pray and sought God’s help. He managed to get a job within a short period. Praise God!
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