This is a testimony shared by my christian friend and I find it encourages me expecially when we are sharing the good news with our loved one and have not seen any result yet. Here it goes: Recently a sister shared that one of her church brothers had been sharing the Good News with his mother, but the old lady refused to listen. This brother pressed on for many years, and one day as usual when the opportunity arose, he began to share the Gospel with her again. But this time the mum immediately said Ok. So he led her to Christ and subsequently she was baptized. Out of curiosity, he asked her why she responded positively on that day? She said,"That day your face shone so brightly that I could not look at you and so I agreed to get it done with".
Praise The Lord, we can never put God in a box as to how He works, God is just too magnificent!, too awesome! All glory to Jesus
I love to hear testimonies of God's transforming works in a person's life. It encourages me & I hope when I post it here, it encourages you too! Mr Darren Tan with his proud parents - Mr Tan Chon Kiat and Madam Ong Ai Hock. The new lawyer changed the course of his life while he was behind bars. BY CHANG AI-LIEN SENIOR CORRESPONDENT Darren Tan, 35, is finally a full-fledged lawyer. He reached that milestone yesterday when he was called to the Bar during a mass ceremony at Nanyang Technological University. It was a far cry from his shaky start in life when drugs and gang activities led to over 10 years behind bars and 19 strokes of the cane. "This is the culmination of what I've been working towards for the last 10 years," he told The Sunday Times. "It's like waking up from a dream and finding out your dream has become reality." His life of crime began at the age of 14, and he was in and out of prison for offences that ...
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