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My autism son was baptized!

A sister's testimony:

"Praise The Lord for allowing me to share this testimony. My youngest son Judd was diagnosed with mild to moderate autism a year after we moved here to Singapore. As a mother, the reality of my son's condition was a painful truth that I had to accept. Among my many concerns, one of the biggest was whether Judd would be able to come to know The Lord Jesus Christ and be saved....
Judd went through therapy, special education and by the grace of our Lord, was introduced to home schooling. We found a centre where Judd goes to study Christian education and learn God's Word. Judd also grew up attending the meetings here, and through the love of the serving ones and the saints who ministered to him, he also started to thrive.
One manifestation of Judd's condition as a child with special needs is his lack of communication skills. I had a challenging time understanding him and and also was not sure whether he understood me. Whenever I prayed to The Lord about this, I would be in tears and would ask The Lord to speak to Judd in his spirit so that even if Judd and I cannot fully understand each other, the most important thing is for Judd to understand and hear The Lord speak to him. I prayed for Judd to be able to communicate with The Lord and to receive Jesus Christ into his life as his Lord and Savior some day.
The Lord answered my prayer one very special day when I took Judd with me to the airport to meet his father who was arriving that day. On our way to the airport, we had to take the bus to the MRT, and he dropped his ez link card. When we realized that he lost his ez link card, I was angry and scolded him for losing the card. I saw the fear in his eyes but was more concerned with the loss of the card than his feelings. Thankfully, a man picked up his card and was returning it to the MRT while we were still there and so we were able to get the card back. Judd was visibly relieved and happy, even saying "We found it" excitedly while I was still upset although inwardly relieved that the card was found. At the platform and while waiting for the train to arrive, Judd, who also had issues with eye contact, suddenly turned to me, looked straight into my eyes and said, "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful" and continued to say "Luke 6:36." I was so shocked that I could only say "Ok Judd, I forgive you!" After which he then continued with "Esteem them very highly in love, 1 Thessalonians 5:13," which was when I broke down and cried, knowing that The Lord indeed had used Judd to shame and expose me of my hard heart, and to show me that even with Judd's condition he can understand and apply the words of God to the situation so appropriately. I repented before The Lord while on the way to the airport, at the same time so full of joy that The Lord indeed can speak to Judd and make him understand His words and even apply the verses correctly! His words are indeed life to all of us, special needs or not.
Another time I was also doing homework with Judd and my patience was running out. Judd sensed my voice rising, and while writing with tears in his eyes he softly said "A soft answer stops anger, Proverbs 15:1." Again, The Lord used His words spoken through Judd to expose me of my short temper...I prayed and asked The Lord to enlarge my heart to love my son unconditionally just as The Lord loves me with His unconditional love....
Just last year, my older son wanted to be baptized when we were back in Manila. With joyful hearts we made arrangements for it. As we gathered on the day of his baptism, we asked Judd if he also wanted to be baptized. Without hesitation Judd answered "yes!" When we asked him who loved him the most, he replied "Lord Jesus" and when we asked him where Lord Jesus is, he said "In my heart."
We read some verses on Baptism, then had a short fellowship, and we prayed together. Afterwards, both my older son and Judd were baptized. It was one of the most joyful days of my life, and I want to give all the glory, thanksgiving and praises to our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior Who saved my whole family and specially Judd and continues to work mightily in his life until today!"
John 9:1-3
As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him


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