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The cloud and the fire

I am always amazed by the cloud and the fire that guided the Israelites on their journey to the promised land.

Numbers 9:15-23
15. On the day the tabernacle, the Tent of the Testimony, was set up, the cloud covered it. From evening till morning the cloud above the tabernacle looked like fire.

16. That is how it continued to be; the cloud covered it, and at night it looked like fire.

17. Whenever the cloud lifted from above the Tent, the Israelites set out; wherever the cloud settled, the Israelites encamped.

18. At the LORD's command the Israelites set out, and at his command they encamped. As long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle, they remained in camp.

19. When the cloud remained over the tabernacle a long time, the Israelites obeyed the LORD's order and did not set out.

20. Sometimes the cloud was over the tabernacle only a few days; at the LORD's command they would encamp, and then at his command they would set out.

21. Sometimes the cloud stayed only from evening till morning, and when it lifted in the morning, they set out. Whether by day or by night, whenever the cloud lifted, they set out.

22. Whether the cloud stayed over the tabernacle for two days or a month or a year, the Israelites would remain in camp and not set out; but when it lifted, they would set out.

23. At the LORD's command they encamped, and at the LORD's command they set out. They obeyed the LORD's order, in accordance with his command through Moses.

There is no questionings on the sudden movement of the cloud. I believe the Israelites are being trained to be a disciplined group of people. In verse 20, the cloud might stay over the tabernacle for two days or a month or a year, the Israelites just remained in camp and not set out, but when it lifted, they would set out. It is really an amazing sight. It impressed upon me to learn to be still and wait for the Lord's command and be obedient when He lifted up the cloud.

Another interesting thing I note is the cloud that covered over the Tabernacle was not some little wisp which could vanish in a puff of wind, or any passing cloud. It was a conspicuous, obvious phenomenon. It could not be missed. There was no way the nation of Israel could miss the will of God. The people could see and know His guidance by His presence. Similarly, when God becomes the centre of our lives, we will not miss out His will.


  1. Agree with you totally. I always imagined if I were an Israelite at that time in the desert. Just as I have settled down after setting up tent, etc and before I can even take a rest, the cloud lifted and I have to take down the tent and set out again. Wonder if I would grumble and complain?


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