What was Paul feeling at this time? Conflicts on the outside and fears on the inside. Yes, that mighty man of God who said."I can do everything through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13) also struggled with fear, discouragement, and inner turmoil. Paul was a strong man and yet he still needed the words of fellow believers to encourage him to press on.
Here are some words a friend would love to hear :
You bring out the best in me.
You are an inspiration to me.
I love to hear how God is working in your life.
I'd like your opinion and prayers.
You inspire me to be a better person through your testimonies.
I believe in you.
You can accomplish anything God has called you to do.
I am so glad we are friends.
I am hurting with you.
I have learned so much from you.
You are such a great friend and help.
Extracts from the book entitled 'THE POWER OF A WOMAN'S WORDS' by Sharon Jaynes
So, let's start this day by being an encourager! Speak words of life, faith,love,healing etc
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