Last few days, I have been thinking about a sermon I heard on a Friday from 2 Timothy 2:20-21
2:20 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble.
2:21 If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.
I was wondering what is this good work that God has prepared me for?
Yesterday I heard a brother shared that we are equipped to do the good works. He asked the questions : "What is this good work that God has prepared for you?". He said he also doesn't know but beseeched us to seek from the Lord personally. He will reveal to you.
Ephesians 2:10For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
John 14:12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.
He told us a story which happened in year 2004 about a boy called Austin Gutwein who is only 9 years old. He has a desire to do things bigger than himself ie. to share the love of God. He doesn't think highly of himself but he realised that he is God's workmanship. He loves basketball but wasn't a good player but he is really passionate about helping kids, especially kids who are less fortunate than him. What really moves him is when he heard about kids who have been orphaned. ”In the spring of 2004 Austin saw a video by the Christian humanitarian organization World Vision about children who had lost their parents to HIV/AIDS. Recalling Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, he decided that he had to do something.

After begging his dad to let him do something, Austin was put in touch with World Vision. The next thing he knew they were having a conference call. And after taking stock of his talents and interests, they came up with a simple idea: free throws. They decided that he would shoot free throws in honor of the kids who were orphaned due to HIV/AIDs. 2,057 free throws, to be exact — one for each child that would be orphaned that school day by HIV/AIDS.
On December 1st, 2004 — World AIDS Day — 10-year-old Austin shot his 2,057 free throws. Individuals in his community had agreed to sponsor him, raising over $3,000 for World Vision, enough to help eight orphans. But Austin wasn’t satisfied. Later he got 1,000 of his Friends to Join him…”
“The second year he went up to his dad and told him that he want to shoot free throws again, but this time he wanted to get 1,000 of his friends to join him.
That year Austin and his dad went around to dozens of churches and schools and told them about Hoops for Hope. Austin reached his goal: 1,000 friends shooting free throws for orphans. And he wasn’t ready to stop yet.
The third year, in 2006, Austin decided that he wanted to do a specific projects. That year they raised enough funds to build a school in Twachiyanda, Zambia. Last year they raised over $200,000 for a medical testing center in Sinazongwe.
And this year their goal is to raise $290,000 for a second medical center, along with 1,000 caregiver kits and 1,000 bicycles for caregivers in Zambia.
Austin has built a school and a medical center. He has been featured nationally by major TV networks. He has even traveled over 10,000 miles to Twachiyanda for the opening of the school he helped to build — arriving as the guest of honor.
This story touches me. Austin is just a normal kid yet he can make a difference to the life of many others. God can use anybody.
May we all be God's workmanship, ie. allowing Him to live through us to make a difference in the lives of others.
2:20 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble.
2:21 If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.
I was wondering what is this good work that God has prepared me for?
Yesterday I heard a brother shared that we are equipped to do the good works. He asked the questions : "What is this good work that God has prepared for you?". He said he also doesn't know but beseeched us to seek from the Lord personally. He will reveal to you.
Ephesians 2:10For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
John 14:12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.
He told us a story which happened in year 2004 about a boy called Austin Gutwein who is only 9 years old. He has a desire to do things bigger than himself ie. to share the love of God. He doesn't think highly of himself but he realised that he is God's workmanship. He loves basketball but wasn't a good player but he is really passionate about helping kids, especially kids who are less fortunate than him. What really moves him is when he heard about kids who have been orphaned. ”In the spring of 2004 Austin saw a video by the Christian humanitarian organization World Vision about children who had lost their parents to HIV/AIDS. Recalling Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, he decided that he had to do something.

After begging his dad to let him do something, Austin was put in touch with World Vision. The next thing he knew they were having a conference call. And after taking stock of his talents and interests, they came up with a simple idea: free throws. They decided that he would shoot free throws in honor of the kids who were orphaned due to HIV/AIDs. 2,057 free throws, to be exact — one for each child that would be orphaned that school day by HIV/AIDS.
On December 1st, 2004 — World AIDS Day — 10-year-old Austin shot his 2,057 free throws. Individuals in his community had agreed to sponsor him, raising over $3,000 for World Vision, enough to help eight orphans. But Austin wasn’t satisfied. Later he got 1,000 of his Friends to Join him…”
“The second year he went up to his dad and told him that he want to shoot free throws again, but this time he wanted to get 1,000 of his friends to join him.
That year Austin and his dad went around to dozens of churches and schools and told them about Hoops for Hope. Austin reached his goal: 1,000 friends shooting free throws for orphans. And he wasn’t ready to stop yet.
The third year, in 2006, Austin decided that he wanted to do a specific projects. That year they raised enough funds to build a school in Twachiyanda, Zambia. Last year they raised over $200,000 for a medical testing center in Sinazongwe.
And this year their goal is to raise $290,000 for a second medical center, along with 1,000 caregiver kits and 1,000 bicycles for caregivers in Zambia.
Austin has built a school and a medical center. He has been featured nationally by major TV networks. He has even traveled over 10,000 miles to Twachiyanda for the opening of the school he helped to build — arriving as the guest of honor.
This story touches me. Austin is just a normal kid yet he can make a difference to the life of many others. God can use anybody.
May we all be God's workmanship, ie. allowing Him to live through us to make a difference in the lives of others.
Hi Iris, read somewhere in one of Stormie Omartian's books that what you love to do is most probably what your good works will be. This boy loves basketball, so he blesses so many with what he enjoys most!