As Christians, we desire to please God and would like to do the work of God. However, we may be very busy doing the so called “works” and missed the main point and all the so-called works will not be counted in His sight. In John 6:28 The multitude also asked Jesus the same question, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?” 29 Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.” In effect, Jesus is revealing to them that there is only one "work" that God now requires and without which no "works" are acceptable in His sight. This work is to take His gift - to believe on His Son. v29 impressed upon me deeply that the work of God is actually all about Jesus Himself, believing in Him whom God sent. I need to live by believing, by receiving, by appropriating God's gift of Christ, in regard to both His person and His work on my behalf. Everything we do must always be in Him, through Him and by Him. Apar...