The topic for last week's children meeting is "To be a steward”. The Bible tells us clearly that we are stewards. (1 Cor 4:1). I asked myself, how does this topic applies to the children? I believe children can learn to serve God as faithful stewards while they are still young. A steward can be defined as someone who manages property or other affairs for someone else.
According to Matthew 25: 14-22 we know that God has entrusted us with some talents. Some may be entrusted with more talents while some may be lesser according to their abilities. However, we know that everyone will have at least one talent. We do an activity based on the parable of the talent. Children were given some materials: construction paper, toilet roll, ice-cream sticks, colored paper etc. Some were given 5 pieces of materials to typify 5 talents, some two pieces and some were given one piece. They were then told to proceed to do some meaningful artpiece ie. to convey the message of God’s love to someone. There is a time limit and everyone is given only ten minutes to work. The message of this activity is that "all the resources must be put to good use and none left behind". Below are some of their works.
It is fun to watch the children at work. Even when they are young, this principle can still be instill upon them to learn to serve God by using their time wisely and also by putting whatever resources given to them into good use ie. To develop their talents.
The message “To put all the resources that God has given me to good use” ring in my ear this morning. I saw a book written by Joyce Meyer lying in one of my trays for months. “This book could be used to bless others to know God’s way”, I thought. Just realized that there are many opportunities where we we can learn to put God’s entrusted resources into good use. May God bless us and guide us to be a good steward: faithful, reliable and consistent in every good work.
Whether we earn another 5 talents or 2 talents or 1 talent, the praise from the Lord when He returns are the same : "Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ This is very encouraging so we can learn to be simple and faithful in whatever things the Lord has entrusted us.
According to Matthew 25: 14-22 we know that God has entrusted us with some talents. Some may be entrusted with more talents while some may be lesser according to their abilities. However, we know that everyone will have at least one talent. We do an activity based on the parable of the talent. Children were given some materials: construction paper, toilet roll, ice-cream sticks, colored paper etc. Some were given 5 pieces of materials to typify 5 talents, some two pieces and some were given one piece. They were then told to proceed to do some meaningful artpiece ie. to convey the message of God’s love to someone. There is a time limit and everyone is given only ten minutes to work. The message of this activity is that "all the resources must be put to good use and none left behind". Below are some of their works.
It is fun to watch the children at work. Even when they are young, this principle can still be instill upon them to learn to serve God by using their time wisely and also by putting whatever resources given to them into good use ie. To develop their talents.
The message “To put all the resources that God has given me to good use” ring in my ear this morning. I saw a book written by Joyce Meyer lying in one of my trays for months. “This book could be used to bless others to know God’s way”, I thought. Just realized that there are many opportunities where we we can learn to put God’s entrusted resources into good use. May God bless us and guide us to be a good steward: faithful, reliable and consistent in every good work.
Whether we earn another 5 talents or 2 talents or 1 talent, the praise from the Lord when He returns are the same : "Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ This is very encouraging so we can learn to be simple and faithful in whatever things the Lord has entrusted us.
Indeed Iris, you have many talents and you are putting them to good use. God bless you with even more talents.