John 12:24 Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.

In the past, when I read the above verse, I thought that it only applies to our Lord Jesus. He is the grain of wheat that needs to die to bear much grain. Jesus reveals that the message of the grain of wheat involves His followers also.
How do we "die"? By surrending ourselves to the circumstances of God's choice, we submit to His will even though we may not like it. God uses people and situation to break the chaff of self that surrounds the life of Christ hidden within us. The real work of God, this real surrender, takes place where men cannot see. Outwardly, it looks as though nothing is happening, but in reality, as in nature, God's greatest work of re-creation is taking place. (BSF notes)
Praise God!

In the past, when I read the above verse, I thought that it only applies to our Lord Jesus. He is the grain of wheat that needs to die to bear much grain. Jesus reveals that the message of the grain of wheat involves His followers also.
How do we "die"? By surrending ourselves to the circumstances of God's choice, we submit to His will even though we may not like it. God uses people and situation to break the chaff of self that surrounds the life of Christ hidden within us. The real work of God, this real surrender, takes place where men cannot see. Outwardly, it looks as though nothing is happening, but in reality, as in nature, God's greatest work of re-creation is taking place. (BSF notes)
Praise God!
Still learning and 'die-ing' everyday.