We love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). In 1 John 4:8, John says, “God is love.” God’s love is patient, full of hope and endures through every circumstance. It is easy to love someone who is lovable but it can be very challenging when you show love to someone who is trying your patience. However, when we hang in there with people who try our patience, we are mirroring the heart of God. Loving others when it is hard is a response to the affection that God shows us.

The truth that “if we love each other, God lives in us” is a major encouragement. When we stay put with difficult people who are ready to press our buttons, we demonstrate the living out of God's love in us. It is God’s enduring love that leads to peace and satisfaction.
Extracted from ODJ.

The truth that “if we love each other, God lives in us” is a major encouragement. When we stay put with difficult people who are ready to press our buttons, we demonstrate the living out of God's love in us. It is God’s enduring love that leads to peace and satisfaction.
Extracted from ODJ.
God's standard is so high - we are to love even our enemies - ie those we actually have some issues with or having problems with. Still learning.