Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says,
"Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy
1 Corinthians 12:3
Praise the Lord! Today we visited an old lady whose heart has been very hardened and not willing to accept Jesus as her Savior. It has been many years. But lately for the past few months, we started to see changes in her. In the past she could always scold her maid and would complain non-stop. However, as the brothers and sisters visited her, the grace of God also comes upon her. She welcomed each visit. During the visit, the brothers and sisters will sing simple hokkien song "真正好" and read a simple bible verse with her. Today, it surprised every one that she said "thank the lord" in hokkien. No one is able to say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. Today, the verse we read with her is "Roman 10:9 你 若 口 里 认 耶 稣 为 主 , 心 里 信 神 叫 他 从 死 里 复 活 , 就 必 得 救 "。God is truly at work in her. God is love and He did not give up the elderly ones but He wants us to pray for them to see His work in their lives.
Dear Lord, I pray for the elderly ones. Before their life expire on earth, pray that you will grant them to have a chance to hear your gospel. In the name of Jesus, we bind the works of the enemy who is at work in their hearts. Let the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ shine in their hearts so that they will also have a chance to know you. Prepare their hearts and open their understanding, that they too will know you and be used by you. In Jesus' name I pray.
Praise the Lord! Today we visited an old lady whose heart has been very hardened and not willing to accept Jesus as her Savior. It has been many years. But lately for the past few months, we started to see changes in her. In the past she could always scold her maid and would complain non-stop. However, as the brothers and sisters visited her, the grace of God also comes upon her. She welcomed each visit. During the visit, the brothers and sisters will sing simple hokkien song "真正好" and read a simple bible verse with her. Today, it surprised every one that she said "thank the lord" in hokkien. No one is able to say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. Today, the verse we read with her is "Roman 10:9 你 若 口 里 认 耶 稣 为 主 , 心 里 信 神 叫 他 从 死 里 复 活 , 就 必 得 救 "。God is truly at work in her. God is love and He did not give up the elderly ones but He wants us to pray for them to see His work in their lives.
Dear Lord, I pray for the elderly ones. Before their life expire on earth, pray that you will grant them to have a chance to hear your gospel. In the name of Jesus, we bind the works of the enemy who is at work in their hearts. Let the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ shine in their hearts so that they will also have a chance to know you. Prepare their hearts and open their understanding, that they too will know you and be used by you. In Jesus' name I pray.
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