This week we are doing Hebrews 8 : 7-13.
It struck me that there is nothing wrong with the old covenant. However, it is not able to perfect the conscience of those under it. I like the example given by one brother, it is just like a mirror, it tells you your faults but it can't go further to help you. But why did God establish the whole covenant in the first place? This is to expose us, we need to understand our hopelessness and helplessness and by ourselves we are not able to meet God's holy standard. Thus we need a better covenant. Once the new covenant is established, the old covenant became obsolete and ready to vanish away. v13. Another example I read is the law is just like a scaffold and not intended to be a permanent solution to man's spiritual problem and the scaffold will be removed once the building is completed.
God knew Israel's problem as well as our problem. Israel is not able to keep the commandments of God cos breaking one of God's commandment is equivalent to breaking all the commandments.
Through Christ's death, God has established a new covenant with us and in this new covenant, God will put His laws in their mind and write them on their hearts and He will be their God and they shall be His people. V10. This in something that God is doing inwardly in all Christians who continue in faith.
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