Let's hear what this servant girl has to say.
"When I first open my eyes in the morning I pray, Lord, open the eyes of my understanding; and while I am dressing I pray that I may be clothed with the robe of righteousness; when I wash I ask for the washing of regeneration; as I work I pray that I may have strength equal to my day, when I begin to kindle the fire I pray that God's work may revive my soul; as I sweep out the house I pray that my heart may be cleansed from all its impurities; while preparing and partaking of breakfast I pray to be fed with the hidden manna and sincere milk of the Word; as I am busy with the little children I look up to God as my Father and pray for the spirit of adoption, that I may be His obedient child - and so on all day. Everything I do furnishes me with a thought of prayer"
Watch ye and pray always (Luke 21:36)
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