This morning while reading a story related by Don Cossett, my tear just welled up. This story is about an evangelist who counselled a woman by the name of Mrs Meyers who was a mother of two boys. Mrs Meyer came to sincerely seek help for her two sons. She told the evangelist, “My two sons are not Christians. They are almost grown men and I am so unhappy about their indifference to God. I have prayed for them for many years,” she commented, “and still they are not saved. Please be honest with me and tell me why they do not come to God.”
The evangelist began to probe “Is your husband saved?” “Oh, yes” she answered. “He is a very good Christian.” Then he asked, “Do you have a family altar in your home?”
“Yes,”. “Furthermore we say grace at every meal, go to church every Sunday.” Inspite of all this, and also my praying, my boys don’t give themselves to God.
The minister realized that this woman was honestly seeking. He sensed that the lack of answer to her prayer lay basically with her and not with her boys. “Mrs. Meyers,” he said after a short pause, “do you really want to know the truth?” It may hurt you. Do you want me to be frank with you?”
“Yes,” she replied, “I really do want to know, for this is a continuous burden in my life.”
“Then I’ll tell you. There is a missing Person in your life. Your boys are not saved because your eyes are dry. You cannot be the means of saving your boys. Only the third Person of the Trinity – the Holy Spirit – can do that. Before He can, you must ask Jesus to send the Holy Spirit to fill your own life; then, as you pray, He will speak to your boys and make them aware of the choice they must make; to live with God or to live without God.”
Mrs Meyers dropped her head and said humbly, “I know what you mean.”
When she went home that night, that mother shut herself alone in her room, and for hours she paced back and forth across that room. She poured out her broken heart to God. Her words of contrition sounded aloud. “Please, God, search my heart, Forgive me for presuming that I could bring my boys to You. Fill me with the Holy Spirit, so that it will be He and not I who speaks to my boys and then reveals the Truth to my two dear ones.” Finally, she felt a peace that she had never before experienced.
After her own heart had been broken, she wept, realizing her own inadequacy. Then, and only then, did the Holy Spirit give her a positive prayer burden for her sons.
The next morning, she got up as usual and prepared breakfast for her husband and her two boys. Her reticence left her as, guided by the Holy Spirit, she said to her older son, as they sat there together at the breakfast table, “Ronald, I wish you would give your heart to Jesus.”
Without saying a single word, he got up and left the house. Silently his mother prayed, “Now, Jesus, it is up to You. I can’t do one thing more. I am leaving it in Your hands.”
Then she turned to her younger son and said, “John, you have also been on my heart. Will you not open your heart to Christ and receive Him as your Savior today?”
John felt the change that had come over his mother. Her voice was more tender, and in it was an appeal that he had never heard before that morning. “Mother,” responded John to his mother’s plea, “I want to become a Christian. I will give my heart to Christ today.”…
At dinner-time, Ronald returned home. Without saying a single word, he went straight to his mother and put his arms around her. He hugged her.
Before he had a chance to speak, his mother exclaimed, “Ronald, you don’t have to tell me! I know you are saved. Tell me how it happened!”
“Mother,” he said, “last night after I went to bed, I was hungry. I got up to go to the fridge to get something to eat. When I passed your room, I heard you talking. I stopped to listen, for I was afraid there was something wrong. I heard you talking to God, and you were praying so differently. You were pleading with God to save me” He continued, quietly explaining, “I listened to your praying, and something touched my heart. I realized then how awful it is to be a sinner….When you asked me this morning, I just couldn’t answer you. I had to get off by myself. I went out into the field and prayed. The Lord met me there, Mother. I accepted Jesus as my Savior…..
My personal comments:
Isn’t this story touching, is the Holy Spirit missing in your life? Sometimes we may have a form of godliness (2 Timothy 3 : 5) but there is no power, we are unable to bring people to God. It is only when we are filled with the Holy Spirit in our life, then we can see a difference in our life and also made a difference to the lives of others. Apart from Me (Christ), you can do nothing. (1 John 15:5)
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