Exodus 13: 21-22 "The Lord was going before them (Hebrews) in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night. He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people"
The Hebrews (Jews) were guided by the pillar of cloud in the day and by the pillar of fire in the night after they came out of Egypt. When the cloud moved, they moved and when the cloud stopped, they also stopped & pitched their tents. It sounds wonderful, isn't it? But think further....
Just imagine a Hebrew family was coming to rest after a long journey during which the cloud had been moving on before them. It stopped. The family also stopped and began unpacking. Dinner was prepared and eaten. Just as the family was preparing to settle down for the night, someone called out over the camp, "The cloud is moving.". The family looked up, sure enough the cloud was moving and reluctantly they struck camp.
(The above is adapted from one of my BSF studies).
Isn't this experience very similar to our experience? When God orders interruption into our lives, we dislike it. He moves and stops when we least expected it. We also do not like God's unexpected and unexplained leading, we want our lives to be predictable, we love comfort zone. I have been there for years, God is very patience with me but I cannot take it for granted.
However, His ways are higher than our ways, all these are meant for our discipline. It is by this discipline, that strong character is formed. Let's be encouraged!!
The Hebrews (Jews) were guided by the pillar of cloud in the day and by the pillar of fire in the night after they came out of Egypt. When the cloud moved, they moved and when the cloud stopped, they also stopped & pitched their tents. It sounds wonderful, isn't it? But think further....
Just imagine a Hebrew family was coming to rest after a long journey during which the cloud had been moving on before them. It stopped. The family also stopped and began unpacking. Dinner was prepared and eaten. Just as the family was preparing to settle down for the night, someone called out over the camp, "The cloud is moving.". The family looked up, sure enough the cloud was moving and reluctantly they struck camp.
(The above is adapted from one of my BSF studies).
Isn't this experience very similar to our experience? When God orders interruption into our lives, we dislike it. He moves and stops when we least expected it. We also do not like God's unexpected and unexplained leading, we want our lives to be predictable, we love comfort zone. I have been there for years, God is very patience with me but I cannot take it for granted.
However, His ways are higher than our ways, all these are meant for our discipline. It is by this discipline, that strong character is formed. Let's be encouraged!!
This is really a test of obedience.Now the Holy Spirit is with us always - speaking in His still small voice.But do we always hear His voice? Or worse, suppress His voice? So,let's be still and know that He is God