Hi dear friends, to hear God's voice, we must always be humble and always be ready to hear from Him in whatever way He chooses to speak. In his book "Speak Lord, I'm listening" by Larry Kreider, he listed at least 50 ways!
Learning to discern God's voice takes effort on our part. The Lord wants us to take the time to listen as we open our hearts to hear. He wants us to become increasingly familiar with His voice as our relationship deepens with Him. The more often we meet with God in prayer and talk to Him, the clearer His voice becomes.
The Bible instructs us to make a concerted effort to meet with the Lord, thereby placing ourselves in a position to hear from Him. (Jeremiah 29:12-13). God wants us to acknowledge Him in our life. If we acknowledge a friend, we talk to Him, express our appreciation for Him and recognise His presence in our life.
Imagine your friends not acknowledging your presence when you are together. You try to talk to them, but they completely ignore you. In fact, they talk right over you as if you were not even there. That is how we treat the Lord if we are not acknowledging Him moment by moment. If we do not recognise God's presence in our daily life and activities, it is little wonder that we have troble hearing from Him.
Although we may wish that God would send a glowing 10-foot angel to reveal God's will to us so that we have no doubt it is His voice we are hearing, but God often teaches us through our stumbling attempts of trial and error as we take steps of faith. steps of obedience.
My own personal thoughts:In whatever time, place or condition, just 'sense' His Spirit next to you. Talk to Him softly as though we are talking to somebody invisible. Open our eyes to see Him too. He reveals Himself in nature, people etc. Just practise it, may take quite some time .
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