I was tasked to do a revision with the children on the story of Nehemiah. The heart of Nehemiah touched me. When he heard that the wall of Jerusalem was broken down and the gates were burned with fire, he wept, mourned, fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.
An opportunity arised when the king he served noticed his sad countenance and asked him what he wanted. He didn't give an immediate answer but prayed first. Finally with God's help, the Jews rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem in 52 days despite many oppositions from the enemies.
Things that touched me while the Jews rebuilt the wall:-
1. They had a mind to work.
2. They had to hold a weapon in one hand while building (cos of the enemies)
3. They only took their clothing off while washing
After the revision, it is time for the activity session. The children were divided into two groups, to build the wall of Jerusalem and repair the city. They were given a site map.

Initially the children were at a loss as how to begin. Seemed quite a task. However, with the prompting of the shepherds, they started to do some division of labours, some building the walls, some doing the labelling of the gates, the towers etc and some building the towers etc.
You can see they really had a mind to work. Everybody participated. Finally they managed to complete the whole project. See the satisfaction on their faces!!

An opportunity arised when the king he served noticed his sad countenance and asked him what he wanted. He didn't give an immediate answer but prayed first. Finally with God's help, the Jews rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem in 52 days despite many oppositions from the enemies.
Things that touched me while the Jews rebuilt the wall:-
1. They had a mind to work.
2. They had to hold a weapon in one hand while building (cos of the enemies)
3. They only took their clothing off while washing
After the revision, it is time for the activity session. The children were divided into two groups, to build the wall of Jerusalem and repair the city. They were given a site map.

Initially the children were at a loss as how to begin. Seemed quite a task. However, with the prompting of the shepherds, they started to do some division of labours, some building the walls, some doing the labelling of the gates, the towers etc and some building the towers etc.
You can see they really had a mind to work. Everybody participated. Finally they managed to complete the whole project. See the satisfaction on their faces!!
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