There is an old, old legend of a time when the people of the earth made loud lament. Every man felt that he had been given a heavier load to bear than his neighbour, and that, if he could trade troubles with his fellow-man, life would be made easier. The clamour went on so long that God arranged that, on a given day, each man should bring his burden to a certain place, and there shed it forever. But it was arranged that each man must choose for himself one of the lighter loads he had so enviously watched others carry.
"What a day that was!" People came and threw down their old burdens, the aches and pains, problems and responsibilities. And then they pawed over the vast heap, each person weighing one and then another, only to find it heavier and more uncomfortable than his old load. In the end, it is said, each man took back his own familiar burden!
The simple fact is that any burden is heavy if it is carried the wrong way. And any load, however light, becomes intolerable if you keep thinking about its heft. 1 Corinthians 10:13
Matthew 11:28
Jesus said:"Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy-laden, and I will refresh you. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me ..... and ye shall find rest unto your souls."
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